I have been able to download some digital pictures of the 20′ X 40′ greenhouse we have built and put into production in the village of Getk, in the Shirak Region of Armenia. When we arrived in the country the property was under more than a foot of snow, but luckily we had most of […]
I was so pleased to visit in his greenhouse last night with the man who has assisted me for the past two years, and discover he is becoming a competent greenhouse grower. His name is Gnel, and he has a greenhouse with about 1,000 beautiful tomato plants, which he will grow to maturity and sell […]
This past week has been non-stop work for practically every moment we’ve had daylight. The greenhouse is completed, we’ve transplanted our first batch of seedlings into 30 flats, and planted another 8 flats of new seeds. We have also almost completed clearing and preparing the ground for the first 24 10-13 meter-long soil-beds or Grow-Beds. […]