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Making Liquid Foliar Feed From Mittleider Magic Granular Weekly Feed

Turn Mittleider Weekly Feed Into Mittleider Super-Natural Nano Nutrients  Before planting your garden apply and mix into the soil both the Mittleider Pre-plant mix (1 oz/ft) and the Mittleider Weekly Feed mix (1/2 oz/ft). Begin applying foliar spray as soon as leaves appear. Do not wait until plants have true leaves. Place 8 ounces of […]

No Equipment to Nano-Size Your Fertilizer? DISSOLVE It and It’s Molecule Size!

Fertilizers and Particle Size: What’s it All Mean? In my travels, the subject of fertilizers comes up often. In these discussions, we sometimes center on the topic of fertilizer particle size—specifically when someone asks me about “nanoparticle” fertilizer. When it comes to liquid fertilizers, the difference between whether something is a solution, a colloidal dispersion, […]

Feed Your Family On 1/50th of an Acre

Instructions for Growing The Sustainable Family Garden Heirloom Bugout Seed Bag  By Following The Recipe Below, You’ll Eat Healthier, Save Money, And Maybe Even Save Your Life!   Our bodies were designed to be herbivores, and as you eat primarily a whole food, plant-based diet you will be healthier, need less volume of food, avoid […]

Making Mittleider Weekly Feed Into NANO+ Liquid Fertilizer

Foliar Spraying the Mittleider Weekly Feed – Here’s How To Do It!

Philippines Humanitarian Project – Update 2019 (And Beyond)

In 2017 I was asked to conduct a gardening training project near the town of Carigara on the very poor island of Leyte in the Philippines, for a group who are doing a lot of good over there called the Rise and Rebuild International Foundation.  It was supposed to happen in the fall of 2017, […]

Is Organic Really Better Than Conventional ?

Is organic really better for the environment than conventional (industrial) agriculture? by Hannah Ritchie October 19, 2017 Our World in Data presents the empirical evidence on global development in entries dedicated to specific topics.  This blog post draws on data and research discussed in our entries on Crop Yields, Land Use, and Fertilizers and Pesticides. This post was […]

Registration for Virtual Mittleider Gardening Certification Training

Virtual Mittleider Gardening Certification Training REGISTRATION FORM (Email completed form to ) VIRTUAL, VIDEOS OF KIDDER, Missouri:  COST:  $750.00.   $253 discount currently applies (Payment to be made online at, or sent to by PayPal, or mailed to FFEF, 4977 South 11th East, Idaho Falls, ID 83404) NAME__________________________________________________________ SEX M F ADDRESS_____________________________________ […]

Prepare Now For Next Spring’s Garden

Winter’s the time to get ready to grow your own seedlings!  It’s not really difficult, and can extend your growing season by many weeks.  For example, by planting cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower in February in your basement under grow-lights, you can put large, sturdy transplants into your garden by the end of March or early […]

Prepared – Got Your Wheat, Beans & Rice? So What Are You Going To Eat?!

As we try and stay warm during this cominf cold winter season probably very few of us are thinking of gardens or growing our own food – but maybe we should be!  When God cursed the ground it was for our sake, so when He said we were to eat our bread by the sweat […]

Why Tomato Blossoms Fail to Pollinate and Produce Fruit

The following is adapted and condensed from the book Let’s Grow Tomatoes, by Dr. Jacob R. Mittleider. In addition to the 13 essential mineral nutrients man can provide, plants require water, exercise, anchorage, sunlight, warmth, living space, and protection from extremes in weather, disease, and insects. This would indicate that there are many possible causes […]

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