» Sustainable Gardening

Self Reliance – Grow Your Own Market Garden

Market Gardening – Smaller Gardens Can a family be totally self-sustaining by using between 1 and 2 acres to grow, eat, and sell food?  Yes!  As a matter of fact, families in many countries are doing it, and they often have gardens much smaller than 1 acre.  However, you should consider carefully what you are […]

Feed Your Family In 64 Square Feet Of Garden Space

You can grow 12 different vegetables in only 64 square feet!

No Equipment to Nano-Size Your Fertilizer? DISSOLVE It and It’s Molecule Size!

Fertilizers and Particle Size: What’s it All Mean? In my travels, the subject of fertilizers comes up often. In these discussions, we sometimes center on the topic of fertilizer particle size—specifically when someone asks me about “nanoparticle” fertilizer. When it comes to liquid fertilizers, the difference between whether something is a solution, a colloidal dispersion, […]

Feed Your Family On 1/50th of an Acre

Instructions for Growing The Sustainable Family Garden Heirloom Bugout Seed Bag  By Following The Recipe Below, You’ll Eat Healthier, Save Money, And Maybe Even Save Your Life!   Our bodies were designed to be herbivores, and as you eat primarily a whole food, plant-based diet you will be healthier, need less volume of food, avoid […]

Prepared – Got Your Wheat, Beans & Rice? So What Are You Going To Eat?!

As we try and stay warm during this cominf cold winter season probably very few of us are thinking of gardens or growing our own food – but maybe we should be!  When God cursed the ground it was for our sake, so when He said we were to eat our bread by the sweat […]

Enjoy Creating and Growing a Sustainable Vegetable Garden While Feeding Your Family

A sustainable vegetable garden means one that can be sustained over time, and would necessarily involve I) growing food you want to eat, so you are motivated to continue growing, II) growing economically, so that it is worthwhile doing, as well as III) taking care of environmental issues, so that the ground will continue to […]

Growing a Sustainable Vegetable Garden

Do you wish you could grow a sustainable vegetable garden? Now you CAN have a sustainable garden of your own in a very small space. And it can be fun as well as VERY productive! Whether you use organic gardening, container gardening, hydroponic gardening, raised-bed gardening, or straight soil-bed gardening, the things we discuss here […]