» FAQ Categories » Garden Master/Wizard

Can you help automate the gardening process?

Q. Can you help automate the gardening process? A. If you would like to create or expand your garden and need help with decisions and automating the planning process, the Garden Wizard, available at on the Software page, is a great tool! Dr. Ron Guymon has devoted thousands of man-hours over two and one-half […]

Registration No Fun – Why Do It?

Q. I don’t like the registration process, why must I do it, and why is it so difficult? Also, how do I read the manuals and other things? And finally, my current garden is only 2 feet by 15 feet. I can’t seem to get the program to allow me to plant plants. Can I […]

Very Large Gardens – Using The Designer

Q. I have a garden area of 90,000 square feet (over 2 acres) and when I try to fill it up with plants the Garden Master program won’t take all the plants. It says “unable to insert a line,” and if I persist it comes back with “is not a valid integer value.” What can […]

Future Year’s Garden Plan – Creating

Q. How do I create a garden plan for a future calendar year? When I tried to create a garden plan for 2005, I specified Custom Freeze Dates, changed the freeze dates to 2005, and the program came back and told me the fall freeze date had to be later than the spring freeze date, […]

Re-Doing Last Year’s Garden Plan

Q. Can I use last year’s garden plan to create a plan for this year, or must I do an entirely new plan? And if I can, how do I do it? A. Yes, you can. If you are updating your 2003 garden plan, you will have to go through the two-stage freeze date change […]

Printing the Garden Plan – Screen Image

Q. How can I print the Garden Plan Detail the way it shows on the screen in Step 6 of the Garden Master? When I try and print, it does it in a different format, using several pages, and it isn’t nearly as easy to work with. A. In Step 6, after you have filled […]

Vegetable Gardening Software – Comprehensive, Yet A Child Can Run It!

Many of you own the Mittleider Garden Master CD. It’s an excellent resource for any vegetable gardener, and the Garden Designer software, created by Dr. Ron Guymon, is unique and better than anything else I’VE seen. The short videos of Dr. Mittleider himself creating and working in the garden are ighly instructive, such as watching […]

Accessing The Different Parts of The Garden Master CD

Q. My version says Mittleider Pro, and has the 9 manuals, but I haven’t found the 2 books or videos. Do I have a WalMart version? Are there older versions of the CD that don’t have what the new one does? The books are definitely a valuable addition! A. Unlike the version sold nationally in […]

Software tells when to plant each variety of vegetable in every region

Q. I’m a programmer and I also am a gardener. I have a couple ideas for computer programs that are garden related. However, to write the programs I’m thinking about, I need more gardening information than I have in my hands. (I already own GardenMaster and the growing manual and the other books that came […]