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Organic or Chemical Feeding of Plants – What’s Best

A fundamental question in vegetable gardening is – what is the proper use of organic and/or chemical materials? Let’s determine the truth of the matter, with four basic principles and a few brief examples from Dr. Jacob R. Mittleider’s worldwide experience. I. First, let’s consider what plants need, and where and how they get it. […]

Enjoy Creating and Growing a Sustainable Vegetable Garden While Feeding Your Family

A sustainable vegetable garden means one that can be sustained over time, and would necessarily involve I) growing food you want to eat, so you are motivated to continue growing, II) growing economically, so that it is worthwhile doing, as well as III) taking care of environmental issues, so that the ground will continue to […]

Growing a Sustainable Vegetable Garden

Do you wish you could grow a sustainable vegetable garden? Now you CAN have a sustainable garden of your own in a very small space. And it can be fun as well as VERY productive! Whether you use organic gardening, container gardening, hydroponic gardening, raised-bed gardening, or straight soil-bed gardening, the things we discuss here […]

Gardening During Hard Times or Emergencies – You Can Feed Yourself!

Do you ever worry about always having to rely on getting seeds and fertilizer from the store? What would you do in a survival situation, if you could not go to a store to purchase these things? Let’s compare it to your food supply. What would you do about your store-purchased food? Many wise people […]

Fall Lawn and Vegetable or Flower Garden Preparation

Let’s talk about preparing your lawn, trees, shrubs, and vegetable or flower garden for winter, and how best to improve your soil during this time of year. Much of this Country seems to be clay soil, so first let’s find out how to improve problem clay soils. These procedures also apply to other types of […]

You Can Live on What You Produce – On Less Space Than You Ever Imagined!

While you endure the cold winter months why not plan for a really great vegetable garden next spring. Maybe even one that could provide some income in addition to the food you eat yourselves! Does anyone have children who need responsibility – and spending money? To illustrate the potential, I’ll describe the yields achievable by […]

Simple Mini-Greenhouses for Containers and Soil-Beds – Vegetable gardening, or Organic gardening

It’s not too early to begin preparing for early spring planting (it works for fall planting also)! By covering your containers, which we call Grow-Boxes, or Soil-Beds with “Mini-Greenhouses” using PVC arches and greenhouse plastic, you can be in your vegetable garden with cool-weather plants by the end of February or the first of March, […]

Protein From an Animal Or Vegetable Source – Which is Best & How Best to Do It!

For a vegetable gardening instructor to be talking about animals may seem inconsistent to some, but since both provide food they are closely related, so I will discuss the general topic a bit here. From age 12 until I left home for college I had the full responsibility for a cow, to which were added […]

Can I Grow Successfully in Hard Clay Or in Worn-Out Soils?

What Can I do to Grow In My Heavy Clay Soil? You do NOT have to replace your heavy clay soil with something better, nor do you need to add tons and tons of sand and/or compost. To start off you simply eliminate all weeds, dig or till the soil, measure and stake your garden […]

Controlling Pests and Diseases in the Family Vegetable Garden

Pest control is very important to the successful gardener! Cultural practices, such as eliminating all weeds and grass from your garden, including the outside edges, are very important. This will minimize pests and diseases’ opportunity to migrate in from other places. Also, maintaining dry wide aisles will reduce their opportunities for spreading. And growing healthy, […]

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