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An opportunity to do some good with very little money

We just returned from Armenia and Georgia, where we worked for the past month on Family Food Production projects. We felt amply rewarded, as we helped people improve their garden yields tremendously. Friends in Armenia who work for another Charitable Foundation named the Foundation for Armenian Relief have just asked for our help on a […]

Growing Tomatoes Is Many Peoples’ Favorite Garden Activity. Find Out Why!

Are you among the millions who love fresh vine-ripened tomatoes, but are not able to grow them very well? The book Let’s Grow Tomatoes, by Dr. Jacob R. Mittleider, will change that for you, and you’ll soon find that you can even become a tomato growing expert! This book is a step-by-step guide to growing […]

On-Site Report from Popayan, Colombia

Below is the latest letter we received from Dr. Alfonso Tenorio, who was responsible for getting us to conduct a training project in Colombia from November, 2007 to March, 2008. His statements sound almost like “puffing”, but he has worked for 11 years trying to help the people of his community improve their health and […]

You Can Figure The Perfect Fertilizer No Matter What’s Available

Today I’ll teach you a very important lesson on fertilizers, which will let you figure out how much of each compound to use, so that you can get the perfect fertilizer mix at the least cost. The goal is to obtain and use NPK in the ratio of 110-60-110. This is called by some fertilizer […]

Can We Learn Something From the Small Plot INtensive (SPIN) Gardening Website?

I received the following question, which I believe may be of interest to some of you serious vegetable gardeners: “I am looking at several options in gardening and hope you can clarify something – I am mainly looking at the Mittleider and the SPIN Farming processes. The two do not appear to be exclusive […]

Soaker Hoses and Container Sizes Recommended

Friends: I received questions the answers to which I believe are important enough to share. Q. I was just introduced to this method by a friend. I live in S. Florida and, for the first time, planted tomatoes in pots along my northern fence line with good results. After the tomatoes I added pole beans, […]

Project to work with 200 farmers growing carrots – Georgia

Following is an email dialog I had this evening with Charles Specht, director of a fine humanitarian organization in the Republic of Georgia, in which we give him some suggestions on helping 200 carrot farmers have greater success in their planting this year. C.S. “I have quick question for you about carrots. We want to […]

Latest Humanitarian Project Results – Popayan, Colombia 2008

Recap of Project Accomplishments to-date after 4 months This is a two-year project designed to help 100 families gain a measure of self-sufficiency in their food production. Also, after they are trained participants are expected to teach and assist other members and neighbors in growing gardens. A greenhouse and model garden were installed at the […]

Teaching & Demonstrating Family Gardening in South America

We have been privileged to live in Popayan, Colombia for the past 4 months as we have conducted a humanitarian food production training project for the LDS Church. The project’s immediate goal is to assist 100 families learn to grow more and healthier food, and teach them how to cook, use, and preserve it. The […]

Twenty Important Characteristics of the Food For Everyone Training Program

1. The program teaches truly sustainable methods for raising a wealth of food crops in virtually any soil, in almost any climate or season, and at practically any elevation–in other words, under almost any conditions. 2. The program uses scientific principles and procedures, has been tested and proven in many countries over the course of […]

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