» Plants In The Garden At Last!

Plants In The Garden At Last!

We have romaine lettuce and cabbage seedlings that are ready to go into the garden, and finally this week we began planting them, with one bed of each!

Of course it would have to begin raining about the same time – and it’s been raining every day all week, so any planting we do is in the mud – what fun.

We will either have 4 beds of each, or we’ll give away the seedlings (we ended up with two beds each of the lettuce and cabbage. The neighbors were THRILLED to get several hundred healthy seedlings).

Earlier we transplanted strawberries from another part of the garden area, but they were already outside, so we don’t really count them as “new” transplants.

Two beds of peas are coming up, as are beets, swiss chard, carrots, and kohl rabi (because I failed to report later on how these crops fared, I’ll say here that they all did very well. The Swiss Chard and kohlrabi were new to the Armenians here, and they were VERY well received).