» The Students Are Excited – Home For the Weekend

The Students Are Excited – Home For the Weekend

We agreed with our students we’d let them spend just 3 days in Getk and 4+ days in their home villages, so Tuesday through Thursday we really poured it on – in the classroom, the greenhouse, and the garden, with about 30 hours in 3 days!

We had 5 students by Thursday, and they are excellent workers. Already they have experienced planting and transplanting – in the greenhouse and garden – have built, fertilized, and leveled soil-beds, made and used markers, and feel confident that they can start their own gardens at home.

We sent fertilizers home with them and promised to visit all of them on Monday (hope we can make it to 4 villages!) to inspect their work and assist them as needed. These people are the leaders of 200 participants in their 4 villages, and with our assistance will teach the other families to create Mittleider gardens, so they must be highly proficient.

Every family will be provided seedlings, fertilizers, and T-Frames, and 20,000 seedlings are already being grown in Karakert, one of the villages that’s centrally located.

We will also inspect that part of the project on Monday. MUCH to do!