We are happy to conduct free gardening seminars for groups, and do so whenever possible, however the super majority of you are neither in Utah nor Alabama (where we live), and so can’t easily arrange to attend a seminar with us.
However, after you become a competent Mittleider gardener yourself YOU can conduct seminars for your own groups, becoming more competent yourselves while helping others, and really do some good for the world around you!
Simply order the Gardening Seminars CD from me, study the 4 PowerPoint Presentations and additional files I’ve included, and offer your services to others who are interested. The seminars range in length from 1/2 hour to 2 hours, and include lots of excellent pictures and instruction.
I’ve priced it very HIGH, so only those who are truly committed and wealthy can do it! That’s a joke folks – it will cost you $10 plus $3 shipping.
You can pay through PayPal to jim@growfood.com and include your address. Or you can call me at 205-607-6210 to make other arrangements.
Meanwhile, I recommend you look in the Files section of the Group site at MittleiderMethodGardening@yahoo.groups.com for two files you can use to remind yourselves of the steps, and show
others to help them learn. They are called 6 Steps Recap and
Traditional Method, and they fit on legal-sized paper – preferably
front and back on one sheet.