Dear Reader:
My whole desire in running the Foundation is to teach families around the world to grow their own healthy food. This mission consumes all of my days, and most of my retirement money already – which I don’t mind! I chose it, and I love it.
However, the only way we will be successful in helping people is if they know we’re here, and then visit the website to get the knowledge they need.
How will people find out about these resources? The internet is the most powerful tool ever devised by man to spread knowledge! And the primary way people use it is with Search Engines. But if you are not on the first page of a search, most people will NEVER even SEE you! We must therefore improve our ranking in the search engines, in order for people to find us.
And you can help! First of all, if you find the website and/or the FAQ Section helpful please tell people! But beyond that, we must have many links from other websites, since that is a major way the search engines rank a site. So, if you have a website, or if you know of anyone who has a website, PLEASE ask them to place a link to these web pages from their own Links or Resources page.
Most folks aren’t excited about helping someone else sell a product, but that’s not what we’re about, even though there are a few things to buy here. Our mission is to teach and assist people to become self-sufficient in their food production.
Because we are all about education, the kind of website that would be MOST HELPFUL as a linking site, is any website with an .edu ending. Do you know of a college or university professor, or even a student who has an .edu website, or who has access to one that would consider a link to us?
So, if you see any value to what we’re doing, please request that anyone you know place a link from their site to the Foundation Home page, or this Frequently Asked Questions page, or the Learn section at, where we have an excellent ebook.
PLEASE CONSIDER THIS REQUEST CAREFULLY! “By small means are great things brought to pass.” A few people always stand at the fulcrum as agents of change. And because you’ve cared enough to read these materials, you know something about the Foundation and the materials we are giving to the families of the world, and are in a position to make a real difference in our ability and opportunity to do good in the world.
Kindly let me know of anyone I can visit with about linking our site to theirs.
THANK YOU for your interest in vegetable gardening! And thanks for taking the time to consider this request.
Jim Kennard, President
Food For Everyone Foundation
“Teaching the world to grow food one family at a time.”