» Plant Spacing – Recommended

Plant Spacing – Recommended

In the learn section of the Food for Everyone website, they include a chart of common vegetable spacing.

I will list that schedule here, with suggested changes. I’ll often recommend planting closer than we put in the Learn section.

Plant Type Sdlng or Sd Spcng Rws/Bed Depth of Seed/Seedling

beans, bush either 3 2 1/2″

beans, pole either 2 1/2 1 1/2

beets, red either 1-2 2 0.25

berries, blrsp. seedling14 1 6

broccoli seedling14 2 alt.* To Crown

cabbage seedling12 2 alt. ”

carrots seed 1 2 0.125

cauliflower seedling 14 2 alt. To Crown

celery seedling 12 2 alt.

chard either 12 2 alt. 0.25

corn seed 8 2 alt. 0.5

cucumbers seedling 9 1 Cover root ball

kohlrabi seed 2 2 0.25

lettuce, head either 12 2 alt. 0.125/cover root ball

lettuce, leaf either 6 2 0.125/ ” ” ”

melons, cntlp either 9 1 0.25/ ” ” ”

melons, hnydw either 9 1 0.25/ ” ” ”

melons, wtrmln either 18 1 0.25/ ” ” ”

onions, grn tp either 1 2 0.125

onions, bulb either 1/4″ 4 0.125/1.0

parsley either 6 2 0.0625

parsnips seed 3 2 0.25

peas, bush either 2 2 0.5

peppers, all seedling12 2 alt. Deep – 2-3″ of stem

potatoes seed 8 2 alt. 1.5

radishes seed 1 2 0.125

spinach either 6 2 alt. .25/Cover root ball

squash, crk-nck either 21 1 0.5/ ” ” ”

squash, yellow either 21 1 0.5/ ” ” ”

squash, zucchinieither 21 1 0.5/ ” ” ”

tomatoes seedlng 9 1 Deep – 3-4″ of stem

turnips seed 2 2 0.125