The following is adapted and condensed from the book Let’s Grow Tomatoes, by Dr. Jacob R. Mittleider. In addition to the 13 essential mineral nutrients man can provide, plants require water, exercise, anchorage, sunlight, warmth, living space, and protection from extremes in weather, disease, and insects. This would indicate that there are many possible causes […]
The question has been asked whether or not the height of greenhouses should be greater in warm climates – to allow for better/more air circulation, and to allow the plants to grow taller in a longer growing season. The answer really depends on how it is being used. To get free plans for building several […]
While you endure the cold winter months why not plan for a really great vegetable garden next spring. Maybe even one that could provide some income in addition to the food you eat yourselves! Does anyone have children who need responsibility – and spending money? To illustrate the potential, I’ll describe the yields achievable by […]
Now’s the time to get ready to grow your own seedlings! It’s not really difficult, and can extend your growing season by many weeks. For example, by planting brassica’s (cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower) in February in your basement under grow-lights, you can put large, sturdy transplants into your garden by the end of March or […]