» Plants Not Producing Fruit

Why Tomato Blossoms Fail to Pollinate and Produce Fruit

The following is adapted and condensed from the book Let’s Grow Tomatoes, by Dr. Jacob R. Mittleider. In addition to the 13 essential mineral nutrients man can provide, plants require water, exercise, anchorage, sunlight, warmth, living space, and protection from extremes in weather, disease, and insects. This would indicate that there are many possible causes […]

Lots of Blossoms But Not Much Fruit – What’s Happening?

Following is a seemingly simple question, the answer to which is very important to having a successful garden. To answer it properly is not so simple, but it is worth knowing, so I invite you to pay close attention to each element of my response. Q. I have hundreds of blossoms on my tomato, squash […]