» extend gardening season

My Favorite Greenhouse And 6 Reasons Why It Will Be Yours Also

I’ve owned commercial-built greenhouses, and I have built and owned some from scratch. I believe the seedling greenhouse I have now is about the best you can get for the money – for several reasons. It is a Jacob R. Mittleider-designed greenhouse, and the plans are available FREE simply by going to and downloading […]

Extend Growing Season 6 Weeks in Both Spring And Fall With An Inexpensive In-The-Garden Greenhouse

All who are interested in extending your growing season – particularly with vertical plants – may want to use Mini-Greenhouses in the early spring, and simple, inexpensive In-The-Garden Greenhouses in the fall. You can plant 4-6 weeks earlier in the Spring, and harvest 4-6 weeks later in the fall if you do it properly. For […]