» Hydroponic or Organic

Nine Reasons To Choose Natural Minerals Over Organic Fertilizers

Reasons to Choose Natural Minerals over Organic Fertilizers There are SO many reasons for choosing the Mittleider system of growing over Certified Organic! 1  Let’s start with the MACRO “argument”.    There is not enough compost/manure in the world to feed 10% of the population, if even that much.  Before “ground-up rocks” as commercial fertilizers […]

Can a Mittleider garden be an Organic Garden?

Many have referred to the Mittleider Method as “better than organic” – – and even “the best of organic” because most of our gardens can qualify as organic, depending on criteria being used. The reasons gardens may be the best of organic are: 1) Because we leave nothing to chance, but apply small amounts of […]

Hydroponic or Organic – What’s the Difference?

HYDROPONIC OR ORGANIC – What’s the difference? by Roger H. Thayer I’d like to have a dollar for each time I’ve been asked, “Is it organic?”, since I started in the hydroponics business in 1972, I’d be rich! Is hydroponics organic? Is it chemical? What are the similarities and the differences? These questions have […]