The weather in this part of Armenia is much like Logan or Heber City, Utah, with hard frosts still happening in mid-April, and frost possible most any time until June.
We have a large seedling greenhouse and smaller in-the-ground hot-bed built, and both have plants growing in them. However, the heat we expected in the large greenhouse has failed us, as the electrical outlet has melted, and we can’t get an electrician here to fix it.
For the past two weeks almost every night has had frost, and two or three times it has been a hard one. Fortunately, the greenhouse has not been below freezing, but we have come perilously close on two or three occasions. The plants have suffered, and have not been growing much, but hopefully will make it alright.
I’m wondering if I should build a wood fire and sleep in the greenhouse on those nights. Sigh.
I have tried, without success, to download pictures of the Hot-bed construction to the Mittleider Method Gardening Group on Yahoo Groups. I’ll keep trying until I get it right.