On a two lane highway at high elevation – near the village of Maralik – we were driving home from working with our students when an oncoming van driver dozed at the wheel and drove into us. Araksya’s brother Hrach was driving, and very skillfully avoided a head-on collision by almost driving off the road, even with the bright lights almost blinding him.
Our car is a Volga 3100, the heaviest model available in this country, and that probably saved us from being pushed into the canyon, but God was with us for sure!
As we exited the vehicle we could see impact points almost the entire length of the driver’s side of the car, and only inches separated us from serious injury or death.
The other driver admitted that both he and his passenger fell asleep, and acknowledged that hitting us probably saved their lives as well. We received some financial compensation for damage to the car, but there is no insurance here, and we will have to spend many hundreds of dollars to repair and re-paint the car. But we’re alive, and that’s everything!
Thank you, Lord, for sparing our lives to continue doing what we love, and hopefully to do some good while we’re here in mortality.