» Humanitarian Project in the Republic of Georgia

Humanitarian Project in the Republic of Georgia

We have been working for the past week in villages of Armenia and Georgia, assisting former students of the Mittleider Gardening Training Course as they supervise gardening projects of their own.

One woman, with whom we spent the past 5 days, is supervising a project with three LARGE greenhouses, each in a different village in the Republic of Georgia. She is teaching 11 men and one woman, who themselves will each assist 20 families in their villages to grow several crops using the Mittleider Method of high-production growing.

The challenges are great, but the rewards are equally gratifying, as we work with wonderful people and grow to love them and respect their unique culture and customs.

I hope to get some pictures posted to the Photos section of the MittleiderMethodGardening Group on yahoo, but won’t be able to do it until I return home.