» FAQ Categories » Soil

Why are soils infertile everywhere?

Water-soluble minerals (plant foods) in soils for thousands of years have moved with the soil-water out of the soil into creeks, rivers, and oceans. This has greatly reduced the water-soluble minerals available in the soil, and thus soils are less fertile. The floor of every ocean and sea in the world contains these solidified minerals, […]

How can gardening failure be avoided?

Simply by restoring the essential plant nutrients in the soil. The minerals from rocks mined from the earth are packaged, inexpensive, and available worldwide for use in your gardens. Their nutrient content is high and accurately determined – almost always far greater than comparably priced “organic” nutrients.

Improving Garden Soil – Moving from Aisles to Other Locations

Q. As I sit here in the frozen north and think about spring – and converting from single rows to grow beds with 3.5′ walkways between, I am wondering about the waste of my great soil in these “subject” areas: Is there any reason that I should not remove this good soil and expand my […]

Clay Soil – Draining Wet or Saline Soil

Many of you have heavy, clay soil in which to grow your gardens, and some have asked how to drain the soil, so it isn’t too wet to grow in. Following is a little history of commercial clay soil gardening in the USA and Russia, along with some suggestions. The Imperial Valley of California grows […]

Soil Testing – Important, Worthwhile or Necessary

Q. I’m concerned about my alkaline soil. What should I do, so that I can plant and hope to get a good crop? I’ve been told to get a soil test for starters, is that a good, or important thing to do, of is it a waste of time and money? A. We have nothing […]

How Can I Grow In My Heavy Clay Soil?

Q. Our soil is heavy clay! What can we do to have a decent garden – short of replacing it with something better, or adding tons and tons of sand and/or compost? A. If you will do a couple of simple things beyond making raised, level, ridged beds, as described on the website and in […]

Growing in Sandy Soil on the Beach

Q. we live in a house backed onto the beach, the garden has sandy soil, is this ideal for growing vegetables? A. If your beach is ocean you may have a problem with salinity! Ocean water or even occasional spray landing on your garden soil will likely leave salt deposits that make it difficult or […]

Hard-Pan Clay Soil – Usable for Garden?

Q. We are living in a very bad hard-pan soil area. When I dig a hole and add water, the water will stay for days. Can I have a garden on this ground? A. So long as you have plenty of sunshine and access to water, the soil is no problem! We promise “a great […]

4 Acres of Sub-soil After Strip Mining – Lost or Lucky?!

Q. We just moved to 4 acres of very poor soil, that has been exposed after strip mining, and we need to get something growing. Is there any hope? What can we do?? A. Lucky You! I’m really not kidding, and here are three good reasons why. First, it is with good reason that we […]

Gardening in the Desert – In Blow-Sand

Q. We live in Arizona on the Hopi reservation. We have added all kinds of soil treatment to our soil. It is mainly sand, blow sand. The problem is that when we water our crops the sand turns into almost like concrete. We sympathize with our plants as they try to survive in the stuff. […]