» FAQ Categories » Pole Beans

Q. I have celery transplants which I have grown, and need to know when they should be put out. Can they go out with the cool season crops, which I have already transplanted, or should I wait until our frost date is past? A. The Garden Master and Garden Wizard CD’s both have a section called Preview Plants in the Garden Designer. This is a terrific resource for learning when to plant almost all common vegetables. Some of you may even have one or the other of these CD’s and perhaps haven’t noticed this large illustrated database of helpful information. I highly recommend everyone consider owning one of these. The Garden Wizard has the complete Garden Designer Software, and is less than $10. When added to the Mittleider Gardening Library, you have a very valuable and comprehensive library of vegetable production knowledge that many Agriculture Universities and County Extension Agents around the USA, as well as in other countries, own and use. Both are available in The Store. In Preview Plants, there are 5 categories for every plant, including Planting, Fertilizing, Watering, Weeding, and Other Notes. Here is a part of what the Garden Designer says in Preview Plants for Celery – Planting: “Celery is a cool-season plant that is frost tolerant. Transplant seedlings 3 to 4 weeks before the last frost of spring, 2 rows per bed, 6″ apart”.

Q. Have planted a row of green beans in my small garden. They aren’t coming up very well. I followed the package directions. I Have two plants that are looking fairly good (leaves). The others are coming up looking like sticks and the leaves are just barely starting to show on one or two. What […]