» FAQ Categories » Cabbage

Controlling Cabbage Moths

Q. I have cabbage moths.   do you have a solution for these? A.  Cabbage moths are voracious eaters.  Get a butterfly net and catch the parents if possible. Inspect the under-side of leaves regularly.  When eggs are found rub them out.  If they hatch out you really need to rub the worms out quickly, and […]

Pruning or Trimming Cabbage Leaves

Q. Is it okay to trim off, prune, some of the lower leaves of a cabbage plant? A. Yes. Old leaves that are not healthy, and those lying on the ground can be pruned. Always remember when pruning that the leaves are the factory that produces growth in the plant, and act in the best […]

Red Cabbage – How Long to Maturity

Q. I live in Houston Texas and planted a winter vegetable – red cabbage. Now it’s almost May and it still has not matured enough to eat. How long does red cabbage take to mature to eating stage? A. Red cabbage that’s fed and watered will mature in 60-90 days unless the weather stays cold […]