What does “Natural” mean, and what does “Synthetic” mean? And exactly what makes synthetically produced fertilizers, if there is such a thing in the first place, any worse for your garden than naturally produced ones? This is one area in which a lot of balony gets thrown around – and regrettably believed by many good […]
What Can I do to Grow In My Heavy Clay Soil? You do NOT have to replace your heavy clay soil with something better, nor do you need to add tons and tons of sand and/or compost. To start off you simply eliminate all weeds, dig or till the soil, measure and stake your garden […]
Is your garden soil great? Does it produce an abundant crop for you without any great effort on your part? We were once told “By the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat thy bread . . “, and with several thousand years’ rain, snow, wind, and crops removing the minerals from the land, we […]