Mittleider Gardening Certification Training
Email completed form to –
Full Refund until 30 days before the event – Cost $200 per person if cancelled within 30 days and before 10 days of the start date, $400 if cancelled within 10 days of the start date.
961 East 5th Street, KIDDER, Missouri: April 13 – 19, 2025 _____
COST: $750.00. $150 discount if paid by February 28.
(Payment to be made online at, or sent to by PayPal, or mailed to FFEF, 4977 South 11th East, Idaho Falls, ID 83404)
NAME__________________________________________________________ SEX M__ F__
ADDRESS_____________________________________ CITY___________________ STATE______
ZIP_____________ PHONE ( )_________________
EMERGENCY CONTACT________________________________PHONE ___________
INSURANCE COMPANY________________________ POLICY NUMBER________________
MEDICATIONS:_______________________________ ALLERGIES:________________________
MITTLEIDER GARDENING CERTIFICATION TRAINING BOOT CAMP. Including classroom, lab/workshop, and garden training and instruction in The Mittleider System of family food production, as well as food and dorm-style lodging from Sunday 6 P.M. until Saturday at 5 P.M.. Gardening tools, equipment and supplies will be provided for students’ use, but will remain at the school. Student should bring or purchase The current full-color edition of The Mittleider Gardening Course book as well as note-taking materials.
PHOTO RELEASE The undersigned hereby gives Food For Everyone Foundation and The Mittleider Preparedness University, their assigns, licensees, and legal representatives the irrevocable right to use his or her picture, portrait or photograph in all forms and media and in all manner, for the advertising, trade or in any other lawful purpose for the benefit of Food For Everyone Foundation and the Mittleider Preparedness University only.
CODE OF CONDUCT The undersigned understands and agrees that all Preparedness University functions are to be free from the use or possession of alcohol or illegal drugs. Smoking is limited to outside the buildings only. Violators will be asked to leave at their own expense. It is further understood that sexual harassment in any form will not be tolerated, including going in rooms of members of the opposite sex.
LIABILITY The undersigned assumes all responsibility for his or her own health and well-being, and hereby releases the Food For Everyone Foundation and its officers, and the Mittleider Preparedness University from any and all liability for injury, harm, or disease that might occur as a consequence of his or her attendance and participation in the Mittleider Gardening Certification Training Boot Camp.
Signature_________________________________ Date___