» About the Foundation

About the Foundation

The Food For Everyone Foundation was incorporated in the State of Utah in 1998, and has received tax exempt status as a Public Charitable 501©(3) Foundation with the Internal Revenue Service.

The Foundation’s purposes include encouraging and fostering the development, understanding, and distribution of the most efficient scientific non-polluting and ecologically sensitive food production procedures, by sponsoring and supporting the research, development, and dissemination of the best possible gardening methods and techniques, and the most effective information delivery systems and teaching methods throughout the world, with primary emphasis on the developing countries.

We also encourage the development of education in gardening procedures and techniques in the USA by teaching and training the public in effective gardening methods.

And we encourage and assist in developing self-sufficiency in the production of food among people throughout the world by sponsoring, teaching and training classes and seminars; by providing financial assistance to worthy and needy students; and by assisting in providing materials, equipment, tools, seed, and fertilizers sufficient for trained students to achieve gardening success in their own communities.

James B. (Jim) Kennard, the President of the Foundation, has a wealth of leadership, financial, business, teaching, and gardening training and experience upon which to draw in helping the Foundation to achieve its goals. He is a retired Certified Public Accountant (CPA), practicing as managing partner in a Salt Lake City firm since 1972, and has also owned and successfully managed several different businesses, including hotels, shopping centers, apartments, and retail establishments during the past thirty years.

Jim has been a Mittleider gardener for the past forty three years, he is a Master Mittleider Gardening Instructor, and has conducted gardening demonstration and training programs, taught classes and seminars, and worked one-on-one with Dr. Jacob Mittleider on several gardening projects in the USA and abroad.

The Foundation staff are highly competent and dedicated to helping make the world, and the lives of families, better, and have taken as their own the Foundation’s Mission Statement of “teaching the world to grow food one family at a time”.

We invite your assistance and participation, physically and/or financially, and look forward to working with you.

For the past 56 years and continuing into the foreseeable future, many thousands of hours of research, clinical and field experimentation have been conducted in 84 research, teaching, and demonstration projects in more than 30 countries throughout the world – including conditions from sea level to 7,300’ elevation, the equator to 54 degrees North latitude and 25 degrees South latitude. Soil types encountered have included virtually everything from straight sand to hard clay; PH has ranged from 4.4 to 8.9; and rainfall has varied from 8” to 180”. This base of experience gives the foundation a unique ability to broadly replicate past successes into many more countries and locations.

Historically, more than 3,000 students have been trained in 83 projects, with limited materials and meager funding.

Previous projects have been in Russian commonwealth countries, Latvia, four nations in Africa, Mexico, Honduras, Trinidad & Tobago, FIJI, Tonga, Okinawa, Papua New Guinea, New Britain, Canada, Turkey, Madagascar, Armenia, Georgia (Republic), Colombia, the Philippines, and the USA, plus others. The foundation’s goal is to take the program to families worldwide.

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